
30 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Posted by PHS Chiropractic on Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The increasing amount of time people spend pursuing sedentary activities these days means that lower back pain is an issue which affects pretty much all of us at some point or another. Whether it’s too much time sat hunched over a laptop in the office, or slouched on the sofa watching TV or playing video games, huge numbers of people treat their lumbar spines with absolute contempt.

Fortunately for most, the discomfort that this modern day lifestyle inflicts upon us, can be relatively easily remedied with a good deal of stretching, to alleviate the pain, and strengthening, to help prevent problems persisting in the future. Nick Catlin from Jen Reviews discusses and demonstrates 30 ways to stretch, relieve, strengthen and prevent lower back pain. 

The Difference: Before & After Chiropractic Care

Posted by PHS Chiropractic on Wednesday, July 06, 2016

See The Difference?

These are the before and after-treatment cervical x-rays of a 35 year-old woman who had suffered a relatively minor whiplash injury in an auto accident five years ago. 

Cranial Release Technique for Stress and Overall Wellness

Posted by PHS Chiropractic on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chiropractors are finding that one simple technique can have a major impact on their patients' well-being and overall bodily health. The Cranial Release Technique takes only about a minute, gently stretching muscles at the base of the skull to realign bones in the head. Patients have reported benefits to a wide range of bodily conditions, from improvements in joint paint and headaches to allergies and even digestive problems.

Oregon Prioritizes Chiropractic, Complementary Therapies Over Painkillers and Surgery

Posted by PHS Chiropractic on Friday, August 21, 2015

Oregon's state health plan has made a bold move to place a priority on chiropractic and other complementary therapies that could lead the way for other states to do the same. 

Patients with back pain will be able to move from invasive (and potentially addictive) therapies such as painkillers and surgery as first-line therapies in favor of more conservative and potentially more effective therapies such as chiropractic, which works to treat the underlying condition causing back pain.